What is GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data, It replacing the existing data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive. GDPR has been perfectly designed to empower data privacy and protection for people within the European Union, it’s the biggest overhaul of EU data protection law in more than 20 years. GDPR will come into force on May 25th 2018 and will have a tremendous impact on all organisations that are involved in data collection.
15 important things you will need to know about GDPR
1. Right of Access
It allows the citizens the right to know details of personal data and how the data is processed and how it is used. Organisations are required to provide the info upon request.
2. Right to be Forgotten
According to this program, unwanted people can be forgotten. If there is no need for the inclusion of specific people, they can be deleted from the system.
3. Right to info/data portability
If you have some info about another person, the owners can ask you to pass the info to another party or Org. this makes the transfer of info secure and convenient from one party to another through a very secure platform. Customers may also use the available record to get nice deals from competitors.
4. Right to know about all data breaches
There are organisations that keep great secret about data breaches. This protects the organisations from poor or bad image from the public. This also makes it possible for organisations to avoid unwanted penalties. All the new clients must be made aware of the whole thing within 3 days. All supervising bodies but also be made to know.
5. Data correction rights
Under the GDPR, the info held must be accurate and useful. If the information is not correct, they have all the rights to make the necessary correction. All the information must be accurate and seen to be accurate, reliable and effective. there are a range of info that must be protected by all possible means
6. Identifying data
Any info that aims at identifying the details of a person should be protected under GDPR. This info must always be safeguarded and protected. The info includes address info, names, insurance number and much more. All the necessary info is securely protected by GDPR.
7. Web data
This system also requires web data info to be securely protected. This info may include details such as location details, cookie data IP address and related info. The new technological advancement in the field of data protection has brought great changes.
8. Demographic data/information
If the info classifying a particular individual is collected, it must come under the new protection law and the new regulation. This includes all the info about ethnicity, race, gender, disability and sexual orientation. All these info must be protected under the new laws.
9. Genetic, health and biometric data
This kind of info has become problematic for the last several years. Unbelievably, the insurers can use the info for settling health insurance costs. Biometric data is currently used in authentification because it keeps personal data secure and safe. This is why it has been included in the data under the protection of GDPR.
10. Political affiliations
Most people nowadays have no problem about revealing their favorite politician or candidate. Everyone can tell you the political party that they support if you happen to gather crucial political info regarding a specific person, that info is securely kept and protected under GDPR.
11. Data/Information Protection by Design
From May 2018 starting on 25th, organisations will have to comply with the new changes and implementations. They will be required to play a great role in implementing latest data protection measures. Information must be safely secured and protected by design. All important info deserves a good level of protection. Modern tools are used in the protection under the GDPR.
12. Creation of info/data protection officer obligation
Any organisation involves in storing and processing sensitive and crucial info is required to create a DPO. DPO means data protection officer. The officer monitors the data and ensures that everything is fine and in order. He ensures that all sensitive info is securely protected under GDPR.
13. GDPR does not only benefit the members of EU, it extends beyond
GDPR protects data of all EU members regardless of their current location. What they are required is to only comply with all the terms and regulations. Members must be aware of this service and they benefit they get from GDPR. If you are a member of the EU, you do not have to worry about data protection. Even if you are not living in Europe, you can secure your data by just engaging GDPR.
14. GDPR will continue even after Brexit
GDPR was not affected by Brexit. This platform is about data protection and privacy. The Brexit did not affect this change. Data protection act was passed 1984. The government is committed to ensure that the data of their members/nationals is well protected. Information must always be protected. Those organisations that have complied with all the rules and regulations enshrined in data protection act have the right to protection and security of info.
15. Heavy fines for non-compliance
For those who do not comply with all the requirements and terms about data protection, the law is very clear about the fines and penalties. Big fines have been fully put into place for non-compliance. If you want your data to be protected under the GDPR, your organisation must comply with the terms and requirements, failure to which a hefty fine have been put in place.
Every person deserves the best. Every person’s info deserves the rights to be protected and safeguarded. You are only required to comply with the terms and regulations. Data leakage has been a problem not only in the EU but most parts of the world. GDPR aims at protecting all data of the members of EU. If you really want your data to be protected even when you are not living in the EU, you just need to comply with the terms and regulations.