I’ve noticed that Vultr has recently opened a new location in Australia, and it is the 23rd server of this provider globally, located in Melbourne, Australia.
With the newest location in Melbourne launched, Australia, Vultr is now the cloud hosting provider that has the most data locations (23 server locations) compared to its competitors, including Linode (11 locations) and DigitalOcean (8 locations).
At this time, you can only deploy a VPS on the Cloud Compute instances, more other products will be added to this server in the next few weeks and months. In addition, Vultr also has another server in Sydney, Australia, launched over 8 years now and offer a full range of products & services of Vultr, so you can also choose Sydney if you need cloud hosting to serve customers in this area.
Melbourne Network Information
- Test IPv4:
- Test IPv6: 2401:c080:2000:1002:5400:3ff:fed8:1603
- Test files: 100MB 1GB
- Looking glass: mel-au-ping.vultr.com
Want to try Vultr Melbourne, Australia? Let’s create a new account and receive up to $150 free credit to try it for free.
Good luck 🙂