You can now discover all the latest discounts in the NameCheap Domain Transfer Sale—more money savings on .com .net .org and seven popular domains when you transfer today.
This time’s Domain Transfer Sale from NameCheap gives you up to 31% discounts on the most popular extensions, including .com .net .io .org and more. If you have many expiring Com domains, take advantage of this chance to transfer them to NC for $7.98 each, and you will save a lot of money if compared to the renewal fee at the current registrar (it’s usually $10 or higher).
You can transfer up to 100 domains per account during this sale with the following coupon.
TLD21TS9 – Transfer a domain from just $5.48 to NameCheap (.com .net …)In addition, you will have the opportunity to grab EasyWP for up to 50% off the regular price and Stellar Shared Hosting with 65% discounts (that’s $0.99 a month) during this sale.
HOST21TS9 – Get Stellar Hosting Plans From $1.24/moGet Deal – Up to 50% Off NameCheap EasyWP hosting.
>>> Check out Namecheap coupons for March 2025 for more discounts.
Enjoy 🙂