Every business organization needs a website to promote and market its products among the target audience. Like other important things, choosing a web hosting company is a difficult task. You need to…
web hosting
If you have ever been in search of a web hosting solution for your WordPress website, I bet that you have come across the terms “Managed WordPress” and “Dedicated WordPress Hosting” a…
There comes a time when every owner of a website will need to decide whether they need to get a dedicated IP in order to achieve the objectives that made them go…
The next step after selecting a web hosting provider who will host your website is to select the most suitable hosting package from what they offer. But before making this decision, there…
To be honest, knowing your host’s uptime guarantee does not matter. Whether it is 99%, 99.99%, or even 100%, it does not matter. This is because hosting companies make up time guarantees…
Unlimited web hosting is a popular term used in the hosting industry. But what does this really mean? If you want to understand the truth and find out the secrets behind unlimited…
The operating system is the heart of any computer since it is the bridge between the hardware and software and ensures that they run smoothly. In home computers, its work is less…
If your domain name registered at GoDaddy, this tutorial is help you and show you How to point subdomain to another web hosting.
Web hosting is an essential element of today’s data driven age, however it is easy to become overwhelmed by the entire concept, not only with regards to the processes one must undertake…
If truth were to be told, an awful few people ever read the terms and conditions on any website. A common habit is to scroll past the terms and conditions and click…