It is the work of a web host provider to ensure that your website is always accessible to clients and that it suffers minimal downtime. However, a bad web host provider will…
web hosting tips
Wordpress platform now is one of the best CMS for small blogger and small business company. You no needed to know code, just a few click, and then you’ll have a professional…
Starting May 16th, 2018, you can use your own Google account to access to the control panel at DigitalOcean, this new feature work wells for both new users and existing users.
DigitalOcean offers two backups option, Backups vs. Snapshots. To enable automatically backups of a Droplet, do following these steps in this article.
If you want to successfully get your website online and you don’t have a lot of money 🙁 , Shared Hosting is the way to go! This is because shared hosting is…
Every business organization needs a website to promote and market its products among the target audience. Like other important things, choosing a web hosting company is a difficult task. You need to…
Time and time again, you have heard the importance of having a backup copy of your hard drive so that your data is safeguarded in the event that something happens to your…
The next step after selecting a web hosting provider who will host your website is to select the most suitable hosting package from what they offer. But before making this decision, there…
In the ideal world, there would be no need to change web hosts. Our websites would be conveniently hosted with amazing page load speeds, extremely low cost, and we would always be…
Once in a while, you may experience the need to change your website’s hosting. Reasons for this could vary greatly, from not being satisfied with a product or service offered by your…