Take a close look at the web hosting options available from DigitalOcean hosting company. You can use DigitalOcean free credit and further reduce overall cost related to online hosting.
SSD Cloud Hosting
Over the years, DigitalOcean has grown to become a very popular cloud hosting provider. However, people needing to host large sets of data have been relying on third-party solutions like Vultr. DigitalOcean…
The $3.5 new plan comes with with parameters are quite good: 1 CPU / 20GB SSD / 512MB Memory / 500GB Bandwidth, it’s also supports hourly-billing and customers can comfortably register it…
Good news, Linode has released the Block Storage service, its cost starts from $0.10/Gb per month, accept hourly billing, no usage fees.
Vultr.com is still a relatively new company having been in operation for less than 5 years. Despite this, it has rapidly grown to become one of the best VPS hosting providers in…