If you need a hosting package that allows you to host as many websites as you want, the StableHost Unlimited Pro plan will be a good and wise choice. If you decide to sign up for this plan today, you will get up to 80% off on the regular price, pay only $22.8 instead of $114 for a year with our exclusive Stablehost Pro coupon.
The Unlimited Pro is currently the most chosen hosting plan on StableHost that many devs trust and use for their projects and websites. Similar to the Starter, the Pro plan of StableHost includes unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, SiteBuilder feature, and 2Gbit/s DDoS protection for free. But unlike the Starter, the Stablehost Pro plan allows you to host unlimited websites on it, so even if you have many websites, you only need one Pro package is enough thereover you will save a lot of money on web hosting.
StableHost Pro typically costs $10.95 if billed monthly and $114 for an annual plan ($9.5/mo). But today, you will have the opportunity to pay much less for it, with up to 80% discounts and as low as $22.8/year, plus a free domain included.
Stablehost Unlimited Pro Coupon
Show Coupon – 80% OFF! Get Unlimited Pro for $22.8/year + free domain.Show Coupon – StableHost Unlimited Pro plan for 80% off
Show Coupon – Save 75% on StableHost Pro plan
Show Coupon – Get StableHost Pro plan for 50% Off for Life
Show Coupon – Get 50% off (first invoice) on Web Hosting Pro
(*) Notes:
- Coupons are valid for new purchases of the annual plan only.
- Domain for Free: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .online, .site, .store
- Pay with Paypal & Credit Cards.
Stablehost Pro Features
Control Panel
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- Webalizer, Analog & Awstats
- Stats
- Site.Pro Web Builder
- Softaculous (1-Click Scripts)
- R1Soft Daily Backups
- Let’s Encrypt Certificates
- Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
- Unlimited Forwards
- Unlimited Auto Responders
- Unlimited Mailing Lists
- Virus / Spam Filtering
- IMAP and POP3
- Port 25/26 SMTP
- Online WebMail
- SSH Access (Additional fee)
- 24/7 Server Monitoring
- Starting at 36G of RAM
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Anycast Clustered DNS
- SSD Drives
- Litespeed
- 5.6.x and 7.0.x Support
- MariaDB / MySQL
- Perl 5.8.8
- Server Side Includes
- Free Perl Module Installation
Data Location For The Pro Plan
StableHost offers the Pro plan on all of their current server locations, meaning that you can deploy it on up to 7 globe servers of Stable Host. If you are not sure which location is suitable for your customer base, let’s test out the speeds of all seven of their servers here:
# | Location | Test IP | Test Files |
1 | Phoenix, Arizona | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
2 | Chicago, Illinois | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
3 | Amsterdam, Netherlands | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
4 | Singapore | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
5 | Sweden, Stockholm | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
6 | Valencia, Spain | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
7 | Frankfurt, Germany | | 10Mb – 100Mb |
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Good luck 🙂