There are many web hosting companies, and all of them claim to offer the best services. Most of them offer thirty days money-back guarantee. This is to make their clients have confidence in the types of services they’re offering.
However, not all of them are legit or keep their word. Some of them will ask you for more money for a refund in case you’re not happy with the service in 30 days’ time. You need to be cautious about the type of company you’re hiring. It is important to hire a reputable company that has positive reviews from clients. In case you’re not satisfied with their services, you can request a refund. There are some companies that charge some fees in the refund and end up giving you less money. Avoid such companies.
There are two types of refunds
There are 2 types of refunds categorized by different periods of refunds. It is important to note that the period of refund may vary from one company to the other. Refund types are the same in almost all companies.
1. Full Refund
Customers get a full refund after canceling their account within 3 months of account registration. It is in such a situation that customers get a full refund of the total fees paid for web hosting services. If a client cancels the account after three days of the 30 days of the money-back period, they can claim their money, but they will not get the refund in full especially if they have used extra packages offered by the web hosting company.
2. Pro-Rated refund
This means that clients will get a prorated fund when they cancel the account after a full period of refund. In this case, clients get a refund on a prorated basis. This will be determined by the date of registration and that of the cancellation. For example, if a client signs up a package for one year and cancels the services within two months, the fees paid for two months’ time will not be refunded.
Requesting for money back doesn’t mean you’re getting a full refund especially if you have used some packages. There are some restrictions that may mislead you.
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Non-refundable situations
After analyzing the most popular web hosts’ terms of service, we have concluded that there are actually a few non-refundable situations that are written below.
- There are companies that may not allow clients to seek a refund in connection with VPS hosting. This means that only hosting packages can be refunded.
- Account activation fees and set up fees are not refundable.
- The fee paid for the domain hosting name is not refundable. The amount of money paid for IP addresses, SSH, and other features that are outside the packages are not refundable.
- There are companies that don’t allow clients to seek a refund on VPS hosting and also dedicated hosting. This means only shared hosting gets a refund.
- If your account is canceled, you cannot seek a refund either. The account is canceled due to misuse of server resources and compromising terms and conditions of services.
- There are companies that set specific terms of services and restrictions in methods of payments. If clients go against these terms, the money may not be refunded.
Bottom Line
The Money-back guarantee offers a lot of benefits to customers. It is important to understand the terms of service for specific web hosting companies or the one you intend to hire its services. It is essential to understand the meaning of a refund policy.
You Should Know: Importance of the Terms and Conditions When Purchase a Web Host.