If you have your .NET domain registered with NameSilo, please take action now, as the company will increase the price of .NET domain names starting from February 1, 2024. This will include all the new registrations, renewals, and transfer costs.
NamSilo has announced that they will be increasing the prices for .NET domains starting February 1, 2024, due to the price hike introduced by Verisign for the .NET domain. The new prices for the .NET domain will come into effect from February 1, 2024, and will be as follows:
.NET New Registration:
- 1 – 49 domains in one order: $15.95 USD/domain
- 50- 100 domains in one order: $15.75 USD/domain
- 101- 500 domains in one order: $15.55 USD/domain
.NET Renewal:
- $15.95 USD/year
.NET Transfer
- $11.35 USD/year
In addition, you can still save on your .NET domain registrations and renewals, as well as other domains, by signing up for the Namesilo Discount Program, as priced below:
Discount Program Pricing for .NET (active account domains):
- 0+: $11.85
- 100+: $11.75
- 500+: $11.65
- 1000+: $11.55
- 2500+: $11.45
- 5000+: $11.35
To save money, you can transfer your .NET at Namesilo to any other registrar, such as Dynadot or NameCheap, or renew them at their current prices before February 1st. We also suggest renewing your domains for multiple years to lock in the lower price.
Happy New Year to Everyone!!!