Good news, Linode has released the Block Storage service, its cost starts from $0.10/Gb per month, accept hourly billing, no usage fees.

Linode Block Storage Volumes built on NVME/HĐ hardware and a fast network. It allows you to attach additional storage volumes (range from 10 GiB to 10,000 GiB in size) to your Linode. You can attach up to eight volumes to a single Linode with costs $0.10/GiB per month.
There’re some caveats from Linode on this service:
- It is now offered on us-east (Newark), us-central (Dallas), us-west (Fremont), eu-central (Frankfurt) datacenter, ap-south (Singapore), eu-west (London). The ap-northeast (Tokyo2) will be available in Q3 2018.
- The Block Storage service the volume and associated Linode must be in the same datacenter.
- Only a volume can attached to one Linode at a time.
- The Backup services do not cover Block Storage Volumes.
Click here to go to the Block Storeage page and see its guide here !
If you really interesting on this service, we also offers these linode coupons that helps you get free $20 in credit at Linode.Com, this credit will give you 02 months with 100GB volume. 🙂
Wish you success !!! 🙂