Let read to know about GoDaddy refund policy and how do you do cancelling products and get refund your money.

GoDaddy Refund Policy
( Please visit Godaddy Refund Policy page to update the newest information. They can change it at anytime with no need to notification. This Refund Policy was revised at 1/19/2016 and is the newest for this time.)
- You may request a refund within 45 days of purchase for annual products.
- You may request a refund within 48 hours of purchase for monthly products.
- After 45 days, you may request an in-store credit for any unused time remaining on your annual plan. Unused time will be prorated based on the date of purchase.
- In no event will you be eligible for more than one refund for the same product.
- A product must be cancelled before we can issue a refund.
- All refund requests must include the reason you are asking for a refund and whether you want an In-store Credit.
- Business Registration
- Calendar
- Office 365
- CashParking
- Certified Domains
- Hosting (all plans)
- Discount Domain Club (Non-refundable if used since purchase or latest renewal)
- Domain Backorders
- Domain Transfers (.eu transfers are an exception. EURid charges a non-refundable transfer fee. If the transfer fails for any reason, the customer must start over and pay the transfer fee again. .es transfers are also non-refundable.)
- Online Bookkeeping
- Get Found
- Email
- Express Email Marketing/Email Marketing
- Fax Thru Email
- Online Bookkeeping
- Online Storage
- Photo Album
- Quick Shopping Cart/Online Store
- Reseller Accounts
- Search Engine Visibility
- SiteLock
- Website Protection
- Website Builder
- Appraisals. Express and Certified Appraisals are non-refundable if the customer already applied the credit.
- Domain Monitoring
- Domain Buy Service
- Expert Services
- Professional Web Design Services
- Facelift
- Auction Memberships
- Hosting Connection paid Apps. Once set up, not refundable.
- Merchant Accounts
- Office Max Bundles
- Hosting Services (Expert Hands, custom support, etc.)
- Premium Domain Names
- Domain Auctions
- Redemption Fees
- Ad Spend: For SEV Premium, the ad spend and search marketing fees are non-refundable for the current month. We may refund future pre-paid months and future-month additional ad spend and search marketing fees.
- Assisted Service: Refundable after the initial three months.
- Auction Featured Listings: Refundable during first 24 hours if there are no bids.
- Auctions Additional Categories: Refundable during the first 48 hours if there are no bids.
- Domains by Proxy: Refundable if domain name attached to DBP is canceled within five days of purchase. Auto-renews are refundable if service is canceled within 30 days of renewal.
- SEO Services: SEO Services is a 12-month commitment billed monthly. You are expected to stay at the agreed upon price for 12 months. You can cancel SEO Services at any time and we will not bill you for future months. However, you will not be refunded the cost of the present or past months. When you cancel, you become responsible for maintaining any and all of the onsite or offsite optimizations previously done by SEO Services.If you cancel SEO Services within 48 hours of buying them, you can receive a full refund, including for the first month. After 48 hours, however, you will have to pay for the first month and will only be refunded for the time beyond that first month.
- SSL Certificates: After 45 days, any unused years may be refunded for store credit (but we do not provide pro-rated refunds for years that have been partially used).
- New Domain Name Registrations (including .DONUTS): Refundable if canceled and processed within five days of registration (120 hours).
- gTLD Pre-Registrations: For gTLD pre-registrations, application fees are non-refundable.For more information on pre-registration refunds with .DONUTS, see DONUTS gTLD Pre-Reg Refunds and Auctions.
- The following ccTLDs have different refund timeframes:
- .cn, .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn — 5 days from Registration (see Domain Name Registration Agreement for complete details)
- .cn, .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn — 5 days from Registration (see Domain Name Registration Agreement for complete details)
- .cn, .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn — 5 days from Registration (see Domain Name Registration Agreement for complete details)
- .cn, .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn — 5 days from Registration (see Domain Name Registration Agreement for complete details)
- The following ccTLD registries do not permit refunds upon cancellation:
- .am
- .at
- .be
- .br (including .com.br and .net.br)
- .de
- .es (including .com.es, .nom.es, and .org.es)
- .eu
- .fm
- .fr
- .gs
- .it
- .in
- .jp
- .ms
- .nl
- .nu
- .nz (including .co.nz, .net.nz, and .org.nz)
- .se
- .tc
- .tk
- .tw
- .vg
- .ws
- .uk (including .co.uk, .me.uk, and .org.uk)
- .us
- Domain Name Auto Renewals: For one-year renewals, refundable if canceled within 45 days after expiration (not necessarily within 45 days after renewal). For multiple years, refundable if canceled within five days after expiration. The ICANN fee is only refundable within 5 days of renewing a domain name.
- Domain Name Manual Renewals: Refundable if canceled within five days of manual renewal.
How to get Refund from GoDaddy
Step 1:
– Login Godaddy and open the Product Manager page.
– Click “My Renews & Upgrades”, Select “Payment & Renewing Items”.
– Select the product you want to take a refund, click Cancel Item at the top of panel.
– Then this product will be removed from the product list.
Step 2:
Sent a Ticket to Godaddy Customer Service, and write something about the refund reasons. and waiting the reply from the Suppoter. If they accepted, go to Step 3.
Step 3:
– You will received 4 emails from Godaddy, includes:
. Confirmation of the service that he has received your ticket.
. Confirmation email.
. Refund is processing email.
. Refund processed finished email.
– Folow all of the steps in email and finish.