ConnectReseller is offering .Biz for as low as $0.99 for 1st year plus free Whois protection. This is the lowest price for the .Biz domain in the market at the moment.
The $0.99 applies to the first year of your .biz domain registration only, and there are no restrictions on the number of domains that can be registered, which means you can grab as many as you wish. You will also get free Whois privacy protection, complete DNS management, and you can also easy to transfer your domain away from ConnectReseller to any registrar without extra fees.
The offer is valid for both the India and Global market without using coupon code. In order to grab the domain, you must create a new account (or login in), add funds, then search for your domain from the Account management control panel.
- ConnectReseller Global:
- ConnectReseller India:
They do not accept Paypal at this time, but you can add funds by using your Credit or Debit card.
Nice a day guys 🙂