You need moving your domain to another godaddy account? This small tutorial will help you how to do it.
About Shared Hosting In Shared Hosting, a client rents a certain amount of storage space on a single server. The resources of this server is usually shared between several websites, all which…
What is a domain name? A domain name is a Web address, such as, that is linked to an IP address (which represents a physical point on the Internet). When someone…
Hello, today we’ll continue with the post series “GoDaddy Hosting Guides”. We have finished the previous guide post (7 Steps to buy Cheap Wordpress Hosting), and now we had a wordpress hosting…
If you have ever been in search of a web hosting solution for your WordPress website, I bet that you have come across the terms “Managed WordPress” and “Dedicated WordPress Hosting” a…
If you own a website that has stable traffic and brings in revenue but have no time to maintain it, do not have the know-how of taking it to the next level,…
Are you finding it hard to decide whether to use a mobile app or a mobile app for ecommerce? Both are strongly viable options and it is understandable why it can be…
It is important for anyone interested in buying a domain name to learn about domain name lifecycle first. Herein is a look at what happens between registration and deletion process of a…
There comes a time when every owner of a website will need to decide whether they need to get a dedicated IP in order to achieve the objectives that made them go…
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) now require you to go through a registration process that is quite similar to that of getting a new credit card.