Before deciding to choose any web hosting provider, you must also consider whether it serves your needs in the best or not. For GoDaddy’s web hosting service, before deciding to purchase it,…
Do you know you can make money by buying and selling domain names? The business has become more and more attractive, promising and attractive in the past several years. Many people are…
In January, the registry launched the .CLUB Broker Program and 60-month, no interest, easy payment plans for names priced at $500 or more at 88 of the 475 names sold during…
Creating a website today does not require any technical know-how. No longer are you required to use programming software to write HTML code to form your website. A wide set of tools…
In the fast-paced world we live in, many people do not have even a minute to waste. This fast pace expends to website design. With such a wide range of demands from…
Every business organization needs a website to promote and market its products among the target audience. Like other important things, choosing a web hosting company is a difficult task. You need to…
Time and time again, you have heard the importance of having a backup copy of your hard drive so that your data is safeguarded in the event that something happens to your…
Google may cut off Symantec SSL Certificate on the Chrome browser Google Chrome Team started its investigation on January 19 and found that the certificate issuance policies and practices of Symantec from…
In previous post, you had knew how change primary domain on godaddy wordpress hosting. Next in this post, we will show you how send an email from wordpress admin panel (website hosted…
In some cases, you wanna to change main domain for your own GoDaddy managed wordpress hosting , but you do not know how to do. But in fact, GoDaddy has built-in functionality…