Google may cut off Symantec SSL Certificate on the Chrome browser

Google Chrome Team started its investigation on January 19 and found that the certificate issuance policies and practices of Symantec from past several years are dishonest that could threaten the integrity of the TLS system used to authenticate and secure data and connections over the Internet.
Ryan Sleevi (a software engineer on the Google Chrome team) explained on a Google forum that Chrome is going to stop accepting Symantec certificates, which account for about one-third of all web certificates, for more than nine months. Google is taking this “nontrivial” action because Symantec allowed multiple parties to access its infrastructure and issue certificates, then failed to oversee these capabilities according to requirements and failed to disclose the information promptly.
The Extended Validation (EV) status of all certificates issued by Symantec-owned certificate authorities will no longer be recognized by the Chrome browser for at least a year until Symantec fixes its certificate issuance processes so that it can be trusted again. And from now, Symantec SSL certificates will no longer display the green bar in the Chrome browser and sites will be flagged as “UNTRUSTED“.
Get more about this on Google Forum.
Are you using Symantec SSL on own sites ?

If you’re using SSL’s from Symantec, now is the time to make replacement them. And NameCheap is best choice for you. They’re offering a FREE Comodo SSL Certificate to replace your Symantec SSL. This provider will replace your current SSL with the best matched Comodo SSL. If you do not action fast, your sites may dropped rankings on Google becauses Symantec SSL. Follow the steps below to make your changes.
How Replace Symantec SSL for free (by Comodo SSL from NameCheap)
- Step 1: Let visit to NameCheap Symantec Replace
- Step 2: Enter your domain that using Symantec SSL Certificate.
- Step 3: You’ll be asked to log in or register today at Namecheap to activate your free certificate.
You please note: The free Comodo Certificate just cover the remaining original time of your current Symantec SSL and can be applied only to the domain associated with that SSL. After the free replacement period, you may choose to extend the current certificate by paying Namecheap for the remaining period on the certificate.
You should act fast to keep your website safe and not lose rankings on Google Search. Good luck to you 🙂